This rule can be inverted to store a0 if the run begins with a0 bit, but the effect is the same as long as both the encoder and the decoder of the inversion list agree on this detail. 如果开始出现的是0,那么这个规则需要改变,但效果是一样的,因为编码器和解码器都遵循这一规则。
This thesis analyses the dynamic character of inverted index, then draws a conclusion that the three sublists constructed inverted list have different dynamic characters. 在分析倒排列表的动态特点的基础上,得出构成倒排列表的文档编号、单词在文档中的出现频率及相应位置三序列的动态性是不同的,并由此提出一种混合编码的方法。
This paper studies the keyword search for XML in relational databases, presents two inverted list indexes: extended inverted index based on containment relationship and inverted index based on schema. 研究了关系数据库中XML文档的关键字检索技术,提出了两种新的倒排索引技术:扩展的基于包含关系的倒排索引和基于模式的倒排索引。
Indexing models base on words splitting and single character is analyzed. Since the words of integrated risk is updated rapidly and drawbacks exists in words splitting indexing model, the indexing database is constructed based on single Chinese character indexing model and inverted List technology. 分析了基于分词的索引模型和基于单汉字的索引模型,针对综合风险词汇更新较快的特点和分词索引的不足,利用倒排索引技术建立了单汉字索引数据库。
It indexes the domain knowledge into inverted list of Lucene by paring ontology, and supports corresponding mechanism to retrieve knowledge. 该方法将Lucene倒排表机制同本体解析结合起来进行领域知识的索引,并提供相应的检索机制。